
7 Ways to Keep Your Audience’s Attention

7 Ways to Keep Your Audience’s Attention

In today’s world there are countless distractions. From buzzing phones to chiming emails, keeping your audience’s attention for an entire video can seem impossible. After all, your video will need to earn your audience’s attention and prove that the content is worth spending time on.

While research shows that the average person is online just under 7 hours per day, the average attention span for online users is estimated to be around 8 seconds, one less second than the average attention span of a goldfish!

This is why capturing attention in the first several seconds of your video ad is so crucial, as most people will quickly dismiss your social media advertisement just as fast as they scrolled upon it. However, despite all of the different distractions vying for your audience’s attention, there are certain features you can incorporate into your video to get your viewers to stick around until the end.

Here are seven things you can include in your video to keep your audience engaged.

1) Incorporate Color

Colors are extremely powerful, as they can provoke emotion and influence decisions. Researchers have determined that certain colors, such as red, have the ability to generate various associations such as power, trust, luxury, love, and more.

By including vibrant colors in your video, you may be better able to capture your audience’s attention. When making your video, try to stick with a color scheme that matches your brand or products but is also appealing to the eye.

2) Reel Viewers in With Music

Viewers decide whether or not to continue watching a video within the first few seconds. Because of this quick decision period, you’ll need a strong method of immediately reeling in their attention. One of the most effective ways to grab attention is by using a catchy tune.

Similar to color, music can also generate emotion in viewers. Different tempos and beats are essential for setting the tone in your video. Utilizing upbeat music may evoke a feeling of happiness and excitement while melancholy tunes can work for generating a sense of empathy or sadness. Choosing a tune that fits your video’s message will help you generate a captivating viewing experience.

3) Tell a Story

Storytelling is a key component to creating a video that resonates with your audience and influences their emotions. After all, good stories are what make our favorite movies memorable! In order to keep your audience captivated with a good story, you’ll need to produce a script that is organized and tonally accurate for your audience and your company’s message.

4) Utilize Imagery

A main benefit of utilizing video is the ability to show viewers your message. In order to keep your audience engaged with your message, you should incorporate high-quality, captivating shots. Behind the scenes sequences and product trials are only a couple examples of attention-grabbing shots.

5) Get Animated

Nothing can stop a social media scroller dead in their tracks quite like coming across some compelling, dazzling animation! Animated explainer videos are quickly becoming more of a popular video production option for companies looking to illustrate their brand in flashy, exciting ways that can’t be replicated in live video productions.

In addition to quickly capturing attention via exceptional animated visuals, animated videos allow more flexibility as to how to relay information to the view, such as breaking down how to use products, incorporating statistics or infographics, or even detailing pricing information.

Just remember: There’s a reason why companies have continued to advertise during Saturday morning cartoons for over 50 years!

6) Be Mobile-Friendly

A common mistake many companies make in regards to their video advertising campaigns is failing to make mobile-friendly videos!

Optimizing your video ads for smartphones is an essential component to any video marketing process, as the average U.S. smartphone user consumes around 5 hours of video content through their phone, every week.

Be sure to consider what aspect ratio your video content has, as varying aspect ratios will affect how it’s viewed across varying mobile devices and social media platforms. Video length is just as crucial as well, as someone scrolling upon your video content might quickly exit out once they see its length exceeds 30 seconds, let alone one minute.

7) Work With Experienced Video Specialists

Knowing how to effectively execute these methods in your own video isn’t always a simple task, which is why you should have a team of video marketing experts by your side. Atomic 8 provides professional video production services for all types of industries and businesses.

We’ll take the time to understand your specific needs and goals and produce a video that incorporates all of the key elements of success. We’ll even set you up with a marketing strategy to ensure your video continues to bring you results.

Are you ready to get started on your next video? Contact Atomic 8 today at 612-486-5580.

Next Article What Makes a Social Media Ad Successful?
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From strategy development to scriptwriting and filming, our team handles every step of the video production process. We have years of experience crafting premium videos designed to enhance branding and corporate communications. To get started, contact Atomic 8 today!